Join us for CAFA’s Eastern Ontario Farm Management Update
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Infinity Centre
Ottawa, ON
Gain valuable insights into:
- A Recipe for Farm Management Success
- Canadian Agricultural Partnership – opportunities for farmers
- Partnerships and Shareholder agreements
- Update of the new tax rules & impact on farms
- Ontario’s new labour laws
- Marriage contracts & other legal documents for farms
- Farm Transition Case Study
- Retiring from the farm
Making Dollars & Sense: Helping Farmers Create a Recipe for Farm Management Success
with Heather Watson, Executive Director,
Farm Management Canada
- The 7 Practices of Canada’s Top Farmers
- Making Business Management a Reality on the Farm
- Your Farm Management Toolbox – Who and What’s Inside!
CPD Credits: 7 CAFA, 5 FPSC, 3 Advocis, 5 OIA